About Doctor
★★★★ I'M YOUR HEALTH ADVISOR ★★★★ Remember that, WITHOUT examine the patient, it is difficult to diagnose and treat all kind of diseases. I will give you primary care and will provide you the best advices. I'm a ******★★★ GENERAL PHYSICIAN ★★★****** and *********★★★ DIABETOLOGIST ★★★********** ★ Covid-19 management specialist. ★ Expert in Public Health and disease prevention & control. ★ Covid- 19 and other vaccine related advice provider.
At a Glance
Instant Consultation Time
- Sat - Thu (9.30 AM - 11.55 PM)
Consultation Fee
৳250(inc. VAT)
Follow-Up Fee
(within 21 days)
Patient Attended
Joined DocTime
October 06, 2021
Avg. Consultation Time
10 minutes
Doctor Code